Thursday, February 16, 2012

Great work last week!  Here are the results

Cindy Newell 120 points
Tracie Cassidy 90 points
Jessica Booth 205 points
Lalia Harris 170 points

Did I miss anyone? 

Here are answers to your FAQ's:

When totaling your score for the week, you count the bulleted items.  The "share" is for the "proof" that you are working on your goals and inspiration for others.  Loved all the artwork from last week, way to go!

I encourage you to do the items each week but if you need to go back to an item and do it for the purpose of building from it for another challenge, then do so.  For example, if the item was to put all your family events on your calendar and the next week the challenge asks you to look at your open times on the calendar and schedule.... then you can count both. 

Also, for artwork.  If you cannot fulfill a challenge because you do not yet have the supplies, then you can do it in the following weeks and take credit for it. 

Finally, if you listened to the Dana Wilde call in December, I promised bonus points.  If you listened, take 10 points.  If you have created a "mantra" or "affirmation statement", even if it is not business related, share it and take 10 more points.  (If it is personal, just email me that you have one, take the points.) 

I will share my affirmation statement with you..."I am a CTMH director because I make great connections with people." 

Looking forward to hearing about your week #2.



  1. Oh my goodness!!! Thanks for the extra credit and the ability to go back and make up the things we missed. My second set Petit Perks arrived today. I still cannot find the first. Beginning to wonder if I lost at the team meeting.

  2. Nice job, Jessica!! I did listen to the first Dana Wilde call in Dec...and my mantra is "Creativity is happening in 2012". So 20 pts more for me? Woo Hoo - every little bit helps!
