Monday, April 2, 2012

Challenge Final Week Results

Updated 4/9/2012 for final results.

Well, it has been a great two month long challenge.  I am impressed with the work and hours that you have put in.   We had 5 consistent "players" and many successes!  We had great team growth in several different realms.  I appreciate you all so much!  Thanks for playing!

Jessica 140 points for 1635 point total
Lalia 160 points for 1135 point total
Tracie Cassidy 90 for 995 point total
Cindy Newell 135 for 795 point total
Carla Pizarro 75 for 445 point total

I will be in touch for your rewards!


  1. Hi, Michele! It sure was a Challenge! I think I did have 75 points whatever the bonus was in Week 6 not that it makes too much differnce :)
