Hey everyone,
I just have to say, this week has been amazing to me! I am so thankful for those of you who have taken on this challenge and spurred me on to try and keep up with you! I had no idea how you would respond when I began this, especially when I pulled it out of the hat pretty quickly. But, I am doing this with two other consultants who have larger teams than I do and they have been so inspiring and motivating.
I appreciate all your questions, responses, and feelings that you have shared. I know that some of you are overwhelmed but have taken the challenge and others have not been able to take on the challenge at this time. Here's what I love about CTMH: you are an independent consultant and you can work your business into your life. What comes first to you is important....and it probably isn't your CTMH business. I applaud you for recognizing your priorities, abilities, and deciding if you can do this now. Know, I am here to support you in the coming weeks and I am looking forward to a scrapbooking weekend away with those who reach 1000 points.
And now for some honesty from me...the last time I worked this hard for one continuous week was the May of 2006 when I began in earnest to earn the Mediterranean cruise. Let me tell you...it was hard, it required persistence and consistency but IT PAID OFF! I earned that cruise and Jeff and I spent our 20th anniversary on board! Your work will pay off!
Now for the results for the week:
Tracie Cassidy earned 270 points
Carla Pizzaro earned 350 points
Cindy Newell earned 305 points
Jessica Booth earned 155 points
Our highest point winner for this week is Carla! I will be in touch via email to get you your reward. And for those who particpated, your card is in the mail!
Have a great, successful, and productive week!
Congratulations, Carla!